Stefan Schmidt

Stefan Schmidt

About him:

Stefan Schmidt studied at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf Biology with focus on protein chemistry and graduated in biochemistry at the Diabetes-Forschungs-Institut, Düsseldorf. After his study, he started at the R-Biopharm AG in Darmstadt in the fields of infectious disease diagnostics. There he was responsible as product manager for the development and implementation of the serological product line. In 2008, he went over to the Orgentec Diagnostika GmbH becoming product manager for test systems for detection of autoimmune diseases and celiac disease. Since 2018 he is back with R-Biopharm as product manager for analytical assays for detection of gluten and allergens in food. 

About his talk:

“The new Ridascreen® total gluten assay”

R-Biopharm AG has developed a new ELISA for gluten detection. It is the first assay that detects gluten in total by a combination of different antibodies against prolamines and glutelines. It was developed according to the AOAC SMPR® 2017.021 that was initiated to improve the diagnostic situation when investigating oat samples.