Sándor Tömösközi

Sándor Tömösközi

About him:

Sándor Tömösközi is a chemical engineer, Associate Professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, at the Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Budapest, Hungary. He has been taking part in the education and food oriented research since 1987. His main work and research fields are: analysis of cereal proteins and pseudo-cereals, development of micro-rheological and analytical methods, investigation of cereal quality and its molecular background, food analysis, food safety and in last years the food related allergy and sensitivity. He has supervised the preparation of 11 PhD and more than 100 BSC and MSc theses. He took part and led national and international collaborative research programmes. He coordinated the work at the R+D Office, later at the Directorate of Research and International Affairs of the University and the Research University programme till 2012. He’s a member of several committees connected to food  and cereal science

About his talk:

"Development of a gluten reference material"

In the framework of a long term international cooperation, our research group has embarked on a comprehensive research aimed to investigate questions related to RM and selecting a suitable candidate. The lecture will show the way from the selection of wheat cultivars till the lab-scale production of RM candidate flours.